Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Warfare Wednesday: Economics

"Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you." James 1:21

It seems that money and finances tend to be on many people's minds these days. And how could it not be? Every time you turn on the news or load up a major news website, the headlines are spouting off about the status of the economy, and there just isn't any good news. Predictions keep talking about sloughing off the recession sometime this year, but it sure doesn't look like that is going to happen. And yet...

And yet, I wonder what would happen if our nation took it's eyes off the dollar and Wall Street. Why, everything we do is for the dollar. We work our jobs to earn money so that we can spend money. We need money to function, and when we're not working for our money, we're trying to figure out what we can do to get more of it in other ways. When I look at a dollar, do you know what I see? I see "In God We Trust", it's still there, and I so pray it stays that way. Way back when money started being printed and designed, and that was put on there, in a way it was our entire nation stating that God had our backs. That we were going to trade in commerce and handle money knowing that it all comes from God. And I know that mentality has shifted and changed. We no longer look at our money and provision as something from God. Instead we use it to boost ourselves and affirm ourselves- look what I did, and things like that. As a nation we need to shift our mentality from thinking about ourselves and the almighty dollar, and think about those around us, and our Almighty God.

So as I pray for President Obama this morning, I really feel the need to pray for wisdom for him regarding the financial state of the nation. As I read about what is going on in Wall Street and Washington, I can't help but feel concerned about all the decisions that are made regarding economics. It is only through Godly revelation that the economic recovery is truly going to come about. Only God can fix the deficit which is growing by the second, and only God has the perfect economy for us, if we are only willing to trust in Him once again with our dollar.

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