Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Different Sort Of Post

Sometimes in our desire to serve we end up serving in an area not meant for us. That is okay, of course, because it's still serving. But often you will find someone who doesn't enjoy teaching being a Sunday School teacher because they think they should. Or you find someone who doesn't enjoy babies in the role of nursery worker. Every single person has their own talents that can be used to serve God in their own way. For myself, my gifts are in the area of service and writing. Obviously the writing is going on here, and in something yet to be shared. And in the areas of service, I'm happily serving my church in the area of custodian, as well as whatever else is needed.

Where to serve? This is a big question for some, and for many people it can be years before they figure out where they can give most. Fortunately for us, in the age of technology, there are tools to assist us in our search. Doing a Spiritual Gifts Assessment can help someone determine at least what type of ministry they should be involved in. Someone who is creeped out by sick people should not be serving in a hospital ministry, so a test can help identify better for someone where they can serve. So here is a link to a spiritual gifts assessment which I found to be spot on for me. I also had Andy do it, and he said it was accurate for him as well, so I feel comfortable sharing it here. There are many others, and if you feel this one isn't right for you, or you're looking for something more in-depth, do a simple Google search for Spiritual Gifts and you'll find several to choose from.

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