Monday, April 14, 2008

The Importance of Relationships

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

Every Monday morning when I wake I think about how great the day before was. Granted, there are some Mondays where I am completely exhausted because too much coffee kept me up the night before...but still. Sunday is always great, because we spend the morning at church, worshipping God with our church family, and Sunday evening is awesome, as we spend it fellowshipping with our dearest friends. And while most weeks we try and keep our focus and dig into our study material, sometimes there is a sense of just needing to visit, just needing to spend time together in conversation, sharing life with each other. That's what we did last night, and when everyone left last night, I was still filled with the same fullness that comes from an intense discussion of our study. Fellowship and friendship is important!

I love the verse above in Ecclesiastes, because it addresses this very thing. It says right there in Ecclesiastes that friendship is important. It's these friends who we can turn to in times of need. When the enemy launches and attack, it's most often our closest friends who join us in our fight and help us to defeat him. Without our friends, we would be lambs to the slaughter, without their encouragement and support, we have nothing to hold us up. We have no back-up, no one to help us to defeat the enemy. But with a close friend by our side, nothing is impossible- and Ecclesiastes says more is better, there can probably be no such thing as too many friends.

So this morning I am simply thankful. I am thankful for the wonderful people that God has brought into our lives and I pray that he continues to bless them dearly.

"So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Unknown said...

Fellowship! Isn't it a wonderful thing?! I don't get to just hang out as often as I'd like because of my schedule and my friends' schedules, but when I do, it's that much more precious!

Erika W. said...

That is definitely one of the things that makes fellowship even more precious. When we specifically take the time to spend with someone...that says something, I think.