Tuesday, March 18, 2008

1 Peter - Be Encouraged

One of my favorite ways to study the Bible is through a method called inductive study. Through this method, which I learned through Precept Ministries, is pretty simple. It involved reading the passage of scripture many times over across a span of several days. Through these days, you pick into the words, what they mean, who the passage is directed to, when it was written, who wrote it, and what it tells us about God and His relationship to us. I'm about to start a study on 1 Peter and would love for you to join me!

First, you should read 1 Peter all the way through. Even read it again. I did! Oh, I got so excited as I was reading this. It is so full of Truth, instruction, and encouragement for us! As you read, pay attention to who the author is (hmmm!) and what his purpose is writing is (hint: he actually tells you at the end of the letter!).

So, the author is Peter writing to the Christians who are spread throughout the region (this is located to the north and east of the Mediterranean Sea). Why did he write to them? To encourage them, remind them of God's grace and what they are called to do because of the redemption Christ has offered them. Even just reading through this letter twice, I was reminded of my weakness and total need for Christ's sacrifice for my eternal security. AND that because of that eternal security, I should live in a manner that points to God each day...in public AND private!

Up next: read through Chapter 1 again, this time noting references to the recipients (you, your). If you want to mark in your Bible, come up with a certain symbol for each (e.g. I use an orange circle for the recipients). If you don't want to write in your Bible, just make notes in a notebook. This really does help! Note your first impressions of the recipients of this letter. See you soon! Enjoy God's words to us!

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