Saturday, June 30, 2007

We All Need A Little Rest

"In repentance and rest is your salvation, and in quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15

"I can do all things through Jesus Christ Who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

I think that sometimes we get so focused on our daily life that we forget to take a break. We need that break. We need to take the time to refocus and not have to worry about the daily trials of life in general. This next week we've been given the opportunity to take a family vacation. And we are soooo looking forward to it. It's very rare that Andy gets any time off in the summer, and to have a whole week ahead of us is truly a blessing. We're really looking forward to the time away with our children. :-)

It will also be very nice mentally. We can set aside everything that's been on our minds as of late. It's been such a long time since our last official vacation. It's been over two years- and that vacation wasn't even all rest since we had a wedding in the middle of it. This next week for us is going to be solid rest, well, as restful as camping can be.

So I hope that everyone has a great week ahead. I'll be back in just over a week, recharged and refreshed. I hope you take this opportunity to think about the last time you had some much-needed rest. Get yourself some- sometimes it's in a moment of rest that God has something great for us. It's during the busyness of daily life that we so often don't hear him, so we need to take a break to see what he has to say. God Bless you all- I'll be praying for you as I spend the week away.

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