Friday, December 22, 2006

In the Fullness of Time

"In the fullness of time, God reached out His hand.
In the fullness of time, He carved out a plan;
With one sacrifice He would rescue all man,
In the fullness of time He came.

"In the fullness of time, the Word became flesh;
In the fullness of time, all nations were blessed.
For Jesus had come baring our righteousness,
In the fullness of time He came.

"And the whole world cried, 'Hosanna, God save us!'
And heaven replied, and called His name, 'Jesus!'
King of kings and Lord of lords,
In the fullness of time He came."

This is an exerpt from a song that our choir sang in our Singing Christmas Tree. Read the words and rejoice in the fact that God hears us, answered our cry for a Savior, and sent His ONLY Son to be our sacrifice, so that we can live in fellowship with Him! THIS is why we celebrate Christmas...the greatest gift of all, Jesus and His sacrifice!

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