Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Warfare Wednesday

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

This morning I feel like we need to pray against terrorism in general. We need to pray for righteousness to prevail, and for the protection of our neighborhoods, communities, cities, states, countries, and the nations beyond. It's been a while since we've had terrorism specifically in the news, and I think that when it's out of the news for a while, we let down our guard and not pray as much. We are thankful for the peace that abounds, but we grow lax and stop praying for those walls of protection.

The nation of Russia is an example this week of what happens when we let down our guard. There has been peace for several years in Russia, and this week there have been two separate instances of terrorism, and they've been deadly. Deadly, and enough to cause great fear among the people. One shouldn't have to fear hopping on the subway in the morning to go to work or school, and the police shouldn't have to fear pulling over a speeding car, for fear of an explosion taking their lives. Yet that's just what happened this week. Oh, I pray that fear will not rise up in that country! I pray for peace and comfort to those affected by the attacks, but I also pray that the general population will not allow fear to get to them. I pray that instead, they will rise up, that the people will know that they are beloved of God, and that they will pray to God and take back their peace! Fear is a tool of the devil, and I pray that the Russian citizens will see that and will not allow it to fester and dictate their lives.

And I pray that terrorism will not gain any ground. Not in Russia, not in the neighboring countries, and not on the soil of this earth. An earth where even the trees of the fields and the rocks of the earth cry out for God. It does not belong to terror, or the principalities of darkness.

With God, there is peace. And I pray the peace of God, Shalom, this festival week. I pray that world leaders will seek God and learn exactly how to defeat these villains who excel in fear mongering. I pray for our world leaders- for President Obama, President Medvedev, Prime Minister Brown and many, many others. May they see God, and see that God has plans for them and for their countries. God loves them, and He loves the people they govern over.

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