Thursday, August 27, 2009


"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Last night at church we were so remarkably blessed. Unexpectedly too, I might add. We had a pair of guest speakers at church- two pastors from Tanzania, Africa, and they just simply shared their hearts. I was caught up right away in their exuberance and their love for Jesus. Truly, it was remarkable, because they totally wore their hearts on their sleeves. One of the Pastors shared this verse above, and he got so excited!

What I was thinking the whole time is where is our passion? Where is our exuberance and our love for Jesus showing on our sleeves? These men were visiting America for the first time, and while I'm certain they're enjoying the sights and the people they've been meeting, you could just tell that they cared more for sharing the love of Jesus than anything else on their agenda. I don't really know much about either of them, but I just got such a sense that it didn't matter in the least what troubles they encountered in their journey of life- they know that they have an Almighty God who is with them in every trouble. They both shared such powerful messages, yet it was so right in line with so many of the messages that we've been hearing the last few months.

Because you know what? We all worship the same God. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter where we are, and what we look like. I felt that kinship last night in these two brothers from Tanzania. When Pastor Charles shared this verse and talked about troubles coming our way- he said it with such a smile on his face, because he knew the next part! He knew that Jesus would tell us that troubles are coming our way- but to be of good cheer! Good cheer! When was the last time we had trouble headed our way and we were cheerful? Why should we be cheerful? Well, we need to finish the verse:

"I have overcome the world."

Jesus has already defeated the darkness, and we win! So when troubles come our way, we should be joyful and cheerful because, golly, won't it be exciting to see the results? If we know that God wins every single time, then we certainly should be joyful- because I'll tell you, I can't wait to see how it turns out! I cannot wait to see how God is going to use the current state of the economy for His Glory! That's going to be some kind of remarkable testimony- because the economic situation is worldwide! There will be a global testimony about how God took care of the economies, and His people, whom He loves so much.

I pray that as these two men make their mark here on American soil, that their exuberance and their joy will be contagious. May it seep into the very ground where they walk, and may all those who tread where they have been catch that joy and that love for God.

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