Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let Your Actions Speak For You

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13

When I read this verse just now, I could literally see an accent on the word 'show'. How often do we, in the course of conversation, find ourselves talking about things we've done. Or maybe things we're going to do, or even things we want to do. And I'm not talking about the day-to-day stuff, but I'm talking about the deeds and good things we've done. Like telling someone about the big check you wrote out for that missionary. Or dropping off a grocery card at someone's house, or filling someone's tank with gas. Perhaps you spent some time volunteering and you tell everyone you come in contact with about how wonderful and rewarding it was. Why is it that we do talk about all these things? Sometimes I think we share these things maybe to inspire others. You know, when people in the same situation see us responding in such a way, maybe it would help them to think in that way. But mostly, I think we share these things, these good deeds we've done to get ourselves a little praise.

But this verse today tells us that the wise and understanding person will show by the way they live the good they have done or are doing. Maybe instead of just randomly taking someone groceries, I could call a few friends and organize a full-scale effort to stock an empty pantry. When I write out that check, whether it's big or small, I need to do so quietly and privately.

And eventually, your daily everyday actions will reflect that wisdom and understanding. When we begin to do things simply to do them instead of seeking that recognition, our hearts begin to change and soften. When we're looking for that recognition, that says that there is a bit of selfish motivation behind the action. But when you're really and truly doing something because your heart tells you its the right thing to do, the rewards are so wonderful. For you are blessing someone else with the love of God that is oozing out of your soul. When you reach out a hand to that neighbor, without even thinking about yourself, they see that. They can see Jesus' love in your eyes, and they want to know more, they want to know why you are helping them, and they want to know what it is that you've got that they don't. Our actions truly do speak louder than words.

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17

We can strive for that pureness. We can strive to be full of God's love and we can work on our motivation for doing the good works that we do. Change is not going to happen overnight, but little by little we can fight back against that selfish and vain ambition and really open our eyes and look around us. Once we start to see all the need and the hurt around us, we'll feel that change begin. When we can look through the eyes of compassion, then we can let our actions do all the speaking for us.

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