Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Rainy Season

"The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none." Deuteronomy 28:12

Before the rain can come and do it's job, the land must first be prepared for rain. Think of a field in relation to the rain in this verse. If it simply rained, and no work had been done in the field, what would the rain produce? Nothing. A few weeds perhaps, but otherwise, nothing. It takes the faith of a man that the rain will come to go out and prepare that field for rain. The man first breaks the soil, then he sows his seeds into the ground. Sometimes there is some fertilizing that goes on either before or after the seeds are sown. That is a lot of work to do! Yet, a faithful man will do all this work, knowing that the rains are coming, that God will bless all of his hard work and allow the rains to come and nourish his crops. And when the growing season is over than this man has harvested and sold his crops for a mighty profit, he will be the man other people turn to in times of need, because they know that he has been blessed. He will have no need to borrow anything from anyone else, because God honored his hard work and provided the necessary rain.

This analogy can be applied in so many areas of our lives, really. How are you preparing for rain? We've been preparing for both spiritual and financial rain in our household. We've been preparing for spiritual rain by pulling out the weeds. We've really been working on changing our attitudes and outlook. We've also removed the rocks and barriers in our lives that were really preventing us from totally opening up to God and His Will for our lives. We're fertilizing with lots of faith, and we're simply waiting now for God to sprinkle his spiritual rain into our hearts and grow something amazing. We've been preparing for financial rain by sowing seeds. We've followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit several times over lately and have sowed some financial seeds into ministries which have been placed on our hearts. This is all above and beyond what we give for our tithes, and while the seeds we've sown have not been grand in any way, they're still seeds, even the smallest seed can produce great fruit.

We have faith that the rains are coming. They've already started, in fact, and we know that there will be a mighty harvest at the end of the rainy season. God doesn't start a work and then not finish it, we know that and are looking forward to seeing the results, the changes. Yet we also know that the change that is coming is not going to be the new normal, as change is constant. We are constantly changing as each and every day brings us just a little closer to becoming more like Him. We welcome the change and we welcome the rain. We've been preparing for it, and we're so ready for the blessings on our hard work.

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