Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where is the Passion?

"Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. 25He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John." Acts 18:23-24

I heard this mentioned last night and I thought it would be fitting for a fairly quick post this morning. The key word in the above passage is the word fervor. The Mirriam-Webster online dictionary defines fervor as "intensity of feeling or expression". Last night the question was posed about our passion for Christ. Where is it? Why is it that when we talk about our passions, God doesn't come up? We can get passionate about sports, scrap booking, cooking, knitting, woodworking, etc, and could talk about our passions for days, but when it comes to matters of God, we clam up. Even within the church! We spend so much time talking and visiting all in the name of "fellowship" but we seldom actually talk about God! I've seen it...I've seen someone ask me how I'm doing and I say something like "wonderful, God's really blessed us this week" and the other person gets that glazed over look in their eyes and mumbles something like "that's great, I gotta go find the kids" or "nice! Hey, did you watch the game the other night?"

This is interesting to think on, and I know that I am totally guilty of it myself. If someone asks me about food or cooking I can go on and on for hours, but if someone asks me about church or God I tread lightly, so as not to offend that person with something God-related. In fact, thinking on it more, we use our hobbies and our interests as a way to connect with other people. Think of all the men who get together and talk sports- it's a common bond, something for them to talk about with each other. So shouldn't our conversations with our fellow believers be even better? What if we let our guards down and let that passion come out? Why do we place sports and hobbies above our faith? If I have a common bond with someone about cooking, and we could talk for hours about food- wouldn't our conversation be even better with the common bond of Christ? What if we actually took the time to talk about what God is doing in our lives, what we've been learning, what Bible verses or songs have been coming to mind.

Where is our passion? Where is my passion? Where is your passion? I admit it, my thought process a lot these days has revolved around God and what He is doing in my life. He's doing an amazing work, and some of it, I can't really put words to. But that shouldn't stop me from being passionate about God. That's what he wants, he wants the passion, he wants the fervor. And her deserves it, he deserves all of it.

Lord, help me to let my passion show in all that I do.

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