Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Resolution!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Well, we have some news this morning. :-) But first, a little history.

Back last fall, Andy was told time and again by his boss that things were looking bleak within the company, and that a lay-off was impending. Andy loved his job, but grabbed the bull by the horns and did what he had to do to support his family. He went job hunting, and when a seemingly attractive offer came along, he took it. So in October, when the rest of his company was laid off, he went on to a new job. It was bittersweet for him because he loved his job and his employer, but he needed to support his family, and he looked forward to the challenge of the new job. But two days into that new job, he realized that all he had been promised in the interview was a load of hooey. Still, it was a job and better than unemployment, so he worked hard. He learned several skills that were new to him, and at the same time, began sending out more resumes.

Over the last several months, he has truly come to loathe his job. There are many factors why, and while it would have been so easy, any number of times, for him to just walk away, he diligently got up each morning and headed off to work. Yet, every time he would question God as to why he was working for this terrible company, not a few hours later, someone would give Andy an opportunity to discuss his faith. He's had several in fact, he's had opportunity to be a witness several times over, and has also been able to encourage former church attenders to give it another shot. In the face of adversity, he found a purpose for his job, but still... it wasn't giving him joy to go to work every day.

Then, two days ago, he received a phone call from his former boss. The company that he loved, that he hated saying goodbye to was looking at a brighter future, and was he happy where he was? Or would he be interested in coming back. That one phone call has changed our complete outlook. He loved his job with that company, and in a few weeks, he'll be able to go back to work there. God truly does answer prayer.

You know how as you're going through a trial you wonder what the purpose is, and why you had to go through it? And then when you finally make it through you can look back and see the purpose and see the reasons. God has taken care of us every step of the way, we just didn't always see it. As Andy's former company laid of person after person, he was able to find employment elsewhere. We would have never survived on unemployment for six months- which is what it would have been. God provided the job that Andy needed to support his family, when he needed it. And while at this company Andy has learned a whole new set of job skills that will benefit him in the future. As well, and more importantly, he was able to sow a whole field of seeds for God. He had provision, he had a purpose. And now, he has a bright outlook. We're so looking forward to the days ahead. Yes, we're looking forward with earnest to the raise in income this will provide, but we're also looking forward to the improved mood around the house. Andy will once again enjoy getting up in the morning and heading off to work.

In all things, God works for the good of those who believe him. We just need to trust and hold to that, and now we can thank Him with earnest for the times to come, and for the provision of the past.

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