Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Treasure of Diligence

"She looks for wool and flax
And works with her hands in delight." Proverbs 41:12

Often times people think I am a little crazy. I treasure this verse because it has truly spoken to me for some time. When my husband first started working construction, we didn't realize that construction meant seasonal work. Those first few years winter was very difficult. Unemployment was about enough to keep the bills paid- but not enough for things like groceries and clothing. I became interested in old-fashioned canning and preserving as a means to keep my family fed through the lean times. I now think nothing of picking up 50 pounds of carrots and processing them for the freezer. And I think highly of preserving everything that I can- when I can. Every morsel of food that I can tuck into the freezer during the high times is beneficial to my family during the lean times.

It is a great delight to do this work. Yes, it is a lot of work, but a day spent making strawberry jam results in a delicious sweet spread that lasts a whole year for us, with plenty leftover to share. What is interesting about this verse is that it carries on. Here in verse 12, she gathers the wool and flax to spin into fabric. And what does she do with it? In verse 21 she clothes her household. In verse 22 she clothes herself. In verse 24 she clothes paying customers and tradesmen. And finally, in verse 20, she clothes the needy. She does all of that as a result of the first action of finding the wool and flax to spin. That is true diligence. And not only does she work with the fibers, she does it joyfully, busily, and willingly.

I could still use work in this area. I have to keep in mind others around me who may be able to use what we have as well. I have 40 jars of jam downstairs, and sometimes I can be guilty of not sharing, which is actually hoarding. And something that Andy and I have come to realize is that it is not right to hoard what God has blessed us with. There is a fine line of stocking up for lean times and hoarding- and we have to be careful to make sure that we are not actually hoarding.

Regardless, though, today's verse is an excellent lesson in trying to become a better worker in the eyes of the Lord. Am I doing enough? Is there more that I could be doing for my family- and for others? What is my "weaving" producing?

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